Alpine Pixelmon has a storied history, and is the successor to both the original Alpine MCPM and the original PokeHeaven communities. Below is a history of each individual server, and the story of how they came together to become the ultimate community.
- February 27, 2012 – the name “Alpine MC” is coined by player Sammich9, who creates a limited-access survival Minecraft server on version 1.1.
- April 21, 2012 – Pixelmon Mod version 1.0 is released.
- November 2012 – Sammich9, as a beta tester and early modeller for Pixelmon, launched Alpine MCPM with another modeller named Skibb as a separate server for the purposes of testing.
- December 2012 – development of the world quickly finishes, with 8 player gyms, a real estate market for players, and a Safari Zone.

- January 2013 – Alpine MCPM is put live to the general public.
- February 2013 – Alpine MCPM quickly became the fastest-growing and largest Pixelmon server, with an average of over one hundred players at all time.
- March 2013 – the server continues to grow rapidly and becomes subject to several YouTube series of high popularity, such as the following by Lachlan (CraftBattleDuty).
- April 2013 – Sammich9 departs from Alpine MCPM, leaving ownership to Skibb and the other staff members.
- May 2013 – the server is compromised by a disgruntled staff member, quickly deteriorating the original player base.
- Late 2013 – the original version of Alpine MCPM dissolves.
- Early 2014 – several attempts are made by various players to revitalize the original Alpine server, but most attempts quickly die out.

- March 2015 – a former Alpine staff member by the username urbymine begins to lead Alpine Retold – an ambitious project in making a new server and region, while keeping the spirit of the original Alpine server.
- Early 2016 – the Alpine Retold project fleshes out a dynamic quests system and storyline for its server
- July 14, 2017 – the Pixelmon Mod is shut down, fracturing into two separately-developed mods: Pixelmon Reforged and Pixelmon Generations. Alpine Retold continues to run, but on Pixelmon Generations.
- March 30, 2018 – Alpine Retold officially shuts down.
- June 2020 – the Alpine Retold world is distributed to PokeHeaven Pixelmon for use as an adventure map. Several former Alpine Retold members and staff join PokeHeaven.
- December 2020 – PokeHeaven is adopted by FlotsamRock (formerly Sammich9), who rebrands the server as Alpine Pixelmon as an homage to the original Alpine MCPM nearly 9 years after it was first founded. Now, the great PokeHeaven and Alpine MCPM communities are merged as one.
- January 2021 – development of Alpine Pixelmon carries on with a new world and many new features, using the best assets from every iteration of Alpine MCPM and PokeHeaven to make this the ultimate version and successor to both long-lasting networks.
- January 29, 2021 – 9 years in the making, Alpine Pixelmon releases to the public!
- June 2013 – Kuwoobie opens PokéHeaven Pixelmon. It becomes an immediate success, nearly instantly maxing out its 50-person player cap.
- Late 2013 – Kuwoobie releases a second server to even out the player load. The first server of which is based off of the Kanto region from the Pokémon Red/Blue games. The second server – PokéHeaven Johto – is based off of the Pokémon Gold/Silver games.
- Late 2014 – After the dwindling popularity of the Pixelmon Mod – still a 20 player average – the original PokéHeaven Johto server is closed.
- Early 2015 – the Pixelmon Mod sees a resurgence in popularity, spiking activity on the PokéHeaven server, which experiences another year of success.
- Mid 2016 – PokéHeaven encounters an error which hurts the player economy, resulting in player counts dwindling and sitting nearly empty.
- Early 2017 – server ownership is transferred to Glenot (ZayinYod), who works with the remaining staff and players to rebuild it.
- Late 2017 – this iteration of the server is met with fairly little success, but creates the groundwork through which Alpine Pixelmon still builds off of today! Cities such as Los Diablos, Okinawa, and Dormus were built – all of which were built upon and expanded on Alpine Pixelmon. Glenot passes the server onto a user by the name of Zachman12345678.
- Early 2018 – The PokéHeaven server is restarted once more under the “PokéHeaven Reforged” banner by Drayok22 and staff members ZayinYod, Bagebers, and Zachman12345678. This server is met with good success.
- June 2018 – Sammich9 joins the PokéHeaven community on the PokéHeaven Gold server after changing his name to “peanutjub” (now Flotsam)! Along with SirDrax and Glenot, they lead PokéHeaven Gold.
- Mid-2019 – Glenot becomes owner of the PokéHeaven servers.
- Late 2019 – The longest running incarnation of PokéHeaven, PokéHeaven Reforged closes.

- March 2020 – Flotsam (peanutjub/Sammich9) works with Glenot to restart the PokéHeaven Reforged server under the “Narrow-Band Network” banner, which quickly became the most popular server on their network. This iteration lead to the creation of many works that Alpine Pixelmon still uses today, such as Silturf, Vega, Meridia, and Kalawa.
- June 2020 – Narrow-Band Pixelmon leaves the Narrow-Band network and changes its name back to PokéHeaven Reforged.
- December 2020 – Glenot transfers ownership of PokéHeaven to FlotsamRock, and together developed the latest and ultimate iteration of this long-time server and community – Alpine Pixelmon!
Return to “Alpine MC History” to learn about the current version of the server!
Thank You!
This server would not be possible without the following people. It has been an eventful journey, but it took so much effort from so many people to result in Alpine Pixelmon being as storied and polished as it can be today. The torch has been passed from hand-to-hand but it now comes full circle. These users deserve great commemoration for their efforts in keeping this community preserved for so many years:
- Glenot (ZayinYod) – for leading the PokéHeaven community through several iterations, for developing many of the systems Alpine Pixelmon uses today, and for being one of my most trusted confidants.
- Skibb – for helping Alpine MCPM get its feet off the ground, for leading it when I could not, and for putting up with me when I tried to once more.
- urbymine – for keeping the spirit of Alpine alive all these years, for your work on Alpine Retold, for bridging the gap through multiple iterations of this community.
- Lypaka – for your plugin development to make several of our great features possible.
- Kuwoobie – for founding PokéHeaven and its many versions to make this server possible today, and for staying a community member all this time. This server is an homage to your original work.
- Foquine – for being a staff member of the original Alpine MCPM in 2013, for helping keep its spirit alive, and for being able to share the nostalgia of its early days.
- Dr. Dray – for leading PokéHeaven , especially during the period of time when I came to participate in it.
- SirDrax – for being my first buddy on PokéHeaven Gold, and for your help in various capacities all these years.
- For you, the community, for keeping me invested in Pixelmon all these years, and for giving me some of the most fun, nostalgic moments I’ve had. Whether you were here for part of the trip or this is your first server with us, I hope you enjoy Alpine Pixelmon. We poured our hearts into making sure it would be as exciting as loading up our world for the first time in 2013. This server is for you!
-Flotsam Rock